eCommerce Made Easy - Growing your Online Business

How to Write a Blog in Minutes Versus Hours Using AI

Carrie Saunders Episode 61

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Ever felt overwhelmed by the relentless demands of running a business? You're not alone. Join us for an eye-opening conversation with AI expert Sam Gamble, who reveals how she went from feeling swamped to mastering the use of AI for business efficiency. Discover how AI can transform your operations by automating mundane tasks like writing blog posts, creating social media content, and managing email newsletters.

In this episode, Sam shares her personal journey and offers practical tips for entrepreneurs eager to save time and money while expanding their customer reach. With an emphasis on specificity and foundational instructions, you'll learn how to optimize these innovative tools for maximum productivity. Tune in for a wealth of knowledge and actionable advice to leverage AI for your business success.

Mentioned Resources

Free AI Cheat Sheet Resource

Sam Gamble has given us a free AI cheat sheet of prompts to plug into Gemini, Claude or ChatGPT to help you generate a blog post fast and effectively! Access it here.

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Carrie Saunders:

Today, we have an exciting episode ready for you. We are talking to an artificial intelligence expert, Sam Gamble. She's going to help you understand how you can easily utilize AI to take care of those time-consuming but important tasks like writing blog posts, creating related social media posts from that blog post, as well as emails for your email newsletter. This episode is jam-packed with great nuggets on how to turn the results artificial intelligence gives you from good to excellent, saving you time, money while growing your customer reach. Welcome to the e-commerce made easy podcast. I'm your host, K Saunders. When we started this business, all I had was a couch, a laptop and a nine-month-old my main goal To help others. Now, with over 20 years in the e-commerce building industry and even more than that in web development, I have seen a lot. I love breaking down the hard tech into easily understandable bits to help others be successful in their online business. Whether you're a seasoned e-commerce veteran or just starting out, you've come to the right place. So sit back, relax and let's dive into the world of e-commerce together.

Carrie Saunders:

Welcome back to the e-commerce made easy podcast. Today, we have a special guest with us, Sam Gamble, and she is going to talk to us about how you can utilize artificial intelligence to make your business life easier and shortcut some things for you that really kind of aren't something that you need to be doing every day. So she's going to really help be like our little virtual assistant for artificial intelligence. But before we get into that, I first I want to talk a little bit about Sam and introduce you to her. So, just like you, she's an entrepreneur who's passionate about building a successful business without sacrificing what matters most, and, as a single mom of two amazing daughters, she knows firsthand how overwhelming it can be to juggle the demands of entrepreneurship with family life.

Carrie Saunders:

She started her journey early. At only five years old, she was already lining up toys in her London garden, selling them for extra pocket money because she really wanted some of those sweets at the candy store. That entrepreneur spirit has stayed with her ever since, leading her to building a multi-million dollar business and empowering countless others through network marketing and her work with single parent entrepreneurs. But a few years ago she hit a wall. The constant creation, social media management and endless to-do lists were sucking the joy out of her business and her life.

Carrie Saunders:

Then she discovered the power of artificial intelligence. She dove head first, learning everything she could about how to leverage AI to automate tasks, work smarter and to reclaim her time, and the results were transformative. Not only was she able to scale her business faster than ever before, but she finally had the freedom and flexibility to enjoy life with her daughters. So now she's on a mission to help other entrepreneurs, just like you, experience the same life-changing results. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting out, she'll show you how to harness the power of AI to automate tedious tasks, work smarter, not harder achieve breakthrough results. So, with her knowledge, she's actually helped me be able to refine my AI knowledge and learn how to use it even better so I can facilitate my work even better. So I am super excited to have Sam on the podcast with us here today. Thanks for joining us, Sam.

Sam Gamble:

Thank you so much for having me. It's an absolute honor. I love teaching everything having to do with AI. And you're right, I did hit a wall and I just don't see how, without AI, people are going to be successful in their businesses, because the demands of being an entrepreneur and owning your own business have always been massively high. But today it is just outlandish of what's expected of all of us.

Sam Gamble:

With the amount of content you have to create the email sequences, you have to create the text, marketing the DMs, even honing your messaging so you don't blend into that sea of beige that we call social media. I mean, how many people? They just scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll, scroll for hours on end, but how does your stuff stick out? And then, once it does stick out, how do you keep that customer? How do you keep your audience? Keep that customer, how do you keep your audience?

Sam Gamble:

And I, honestly, was about to kind of throw in the towel and just continue to consult for other companies, like I had been doing. But I just knowing, as a single parent, I just knew that as soon as I found out about AI, I had to dive in and I had to learn. I took two years off. Basically, I didn't do anything else other than learn AI and constantly learning AI. In fact, I learned a new tool yesterday because it's evolving so quickly. But there's certain things that, for an entrepreneur or a small business owner and even big businesses can just from this podcast alone, if they implement this, it will save their, them. If they're a single, you know, solopreneur, or their business, it'll save their team, their business so many man hours and obviously adequates to dollars, but the, the output, the output, the product that you get will be mind-blowing. I mean so, so, so great.

Sam Gamble:

And a lot of people, unfortunately, when they think of AI, they think well, you're going to get a canned reply or it's going to sound robotic, it's not going to appeal to my niche, but that's all. Yes, that is all true, unless you know how to leverage AI correctly, you know how to communicate with AI, and it really is a communication. You have to think of AI as your assistant and you're actually having a conversation with that assistant. It would be no different than, let's say, I wanted to go, say, you and I were out at a restaurant and we're having breakfast, and I told the waitress I would like a plate of eggs and she brought me back a scrambled egg. Oh no, I wanted them over medium, so the white part's not runny anymore, but this isn't what I want. Well, I didn't tell her what I wanted. I just told her I wanted eggs.

Sam Gamble:

And that's how a lot of us are using AI they just tell it that one general thing and expect something amazing back, and what they get back is good, but it screams AI when you put it out on social media or up on your website. But it screams AI when you put it out on social media or up on your website. And so what I'm going to show you today and I'm going to be very specific we're going to focus on creating a blog and just the steps to take before you actually say, hey, write me a blog. And you could even say, if someone even says, well, write me a blog about weight loss, okay, that's too generic, you could say, and then they would say, okay, write me about, write me a blog about weight loss for women over 40. Okay, you're getting a little better, but that's and that's how people are using it. And most people, by the way, aren't even using AI for business. They're using it for entertainment, for fun. So if you're using AI, you're already way ahead of the game.

Sam Gamble:

But what's been said by Mark Cuban? Couldn't think of his name there for a second. He said that if a company is not using AI, even at least learning it by now, but if they're not using it in their business, within three years they're going to be obsolete. And people say to me all the time oh, it's going to replace so many jobs. Some people are going to lose their jobs. That's not the case. The people who may lose their job are the people who don't know how to incorporate AI into their current job.

Sam Gamble:

It's just like texting. I remember when texting first came out, I thought who in the heck is going to text a message? You just pick up the phone and you call them. Why would I? And now my thumbs are just. You know I can text a mile a minute, but now it would be.

Sam Gamble:

Let's say someone didn't use texting. Well, you have to know how to use texting in today's day and age, or DM. You have to know that communication and AI isn't any different. When email first came out, same thing. This is just another tool in the arsenal. However, it's a very important tool and it's a tool that constantly is evolving, changing, getting better and smarter. So it is something you have to keep up with, but you don't have to be all consumed. You just have to find someone who is all consumed about it like me, as an example and then just pick out what it is that you need, because that's what I do. I go through a mountain of information and sift through what what works for entrepreneurs, what works for small businesses, and so that's that is what I do. So let's go ahead and get started. Do you have any questions about any of that stuff, carrie?

Carrie Saunders:

No, I think you made some really good points there, sam, because you know, being in business over 20 some years, I have seen so much change in technology and I want our listeners to not be afraid of AI.

Carrie Saunders:

I was using it lightly before Sam did a masterclass and a mutual group were in and I was using it okay and I was getting okay results. It was at least helping me not get stuck when I was trying to write content, whether it's for a blog post or the podcast or something like that. But with Sam's instructions on how to really dig deep into AI and from a really non-technical way and more from a just a normal brain logical way, it makes sense. It's how you communicate with a person. It really helped me shortcut being able to come up with content for the podcast, because I have lots of great ideas but sometimes as an engineer, I get stuck on the creative parts of it and making sure I can relate to people. So a lot of the things that Sam's going to teach you today is going to really help propel your use of AIs forward and make it so much easier on you and way more effective, for sure.

Sam Gamble:

Well, carrie, you're my yin to my yang, because I am not technical at all, and that's a lot of the reason why I did dive into AI, because I knew people were going to be afraid of it. But if you can turn on your computer, you can do everything I'm going to go through here today, and way above and beyond. So I'm going to go ahead. And so today we're going to use a bot called Claude, and there's there's Gemini out there. It used to be Bard and that's the group. That's one owned by Google. You have ChatGPT, which is, that's, the most popular. So with ChatGPT, you're going to use that bot probably 90% of the time.

Sam Gamble:

But when it comes to creative writing, as an example, emails or blogs, like we're going to do today, claude does a better job at sounding more human. It's almost as though Claude has the thinking ability, even though it doesn't. It's still not. We're not reading our minds, but but that is that's what Claude is good for. Chat GPT is great for tasks putting lists together, doing deep dives on demographics, psychographics of your audience, things like that. But, claude, if you're going to write blog posts or anything that's safe, or articles, or you want to write a book, something like that. Claude is your man, and yet I say it's a man because you know. It's just easier for me. Okay, so I am going into. I have an app called Poe P-O-E and I like it because you can access all of those chats that I was talking about the Gemini, chattbt, claude all within Poe, so you don't have to keep clicking back and forth to different bots when you want to compare outputs, which I like to do sometimes because you know, sometimes these softwares because it is AI it is, you know pulls info from the internet and it's managed, so sometimes it goes through updates, and so sometimes, if you're used to using ChatGPT for something and all of a sudden you're getting less than desirable outputs from him, they may be going through an update, so you may want to pop into Gemini or Claude just to see what kind of output you get from there. And as a side note, here we talk about how AI constantly evolves and you're always learning more.

Sam Gamble:

I learned something just yesterday, and that is there's words that are are stained, and stained words mean that if you input that word into a direction that you want from ChachiBT, gemini, claude, your output that you get is going to be almost canned and not as good. And because it's so, it's so used to that word and so it gets. So the impact of that word is liquidated. It's not as impactful. So, such as, if you say, write a Facebook post, it's heard Facebook so many times that it won't give you a desired output, and I played around with it last night and I kid you not. It's so true, and there isn't a whole list of stained words that I could even tell you. It's just, you'll know, based upon the output. So if you're doing something, you want an Instagram post or you want a blog, those common words that you know people are using to get information out use a different word, and that's specifically for ChatGPT. Claude isn't quite as finicky, but ChatGPT for sure. So let me go ahead and open. Yeah right, I know. So that's just. I mean, you just never know, and it's always a learning process, all right. So now I'm going to.

Sam Gamble:

Actually, carrie turned me on to one of her customers, one of her clients, and their website is Action Sport Optics and they want to revamp their blog. So I use them as a real life example and the prompts that I'm using here. What I'll do is I'll make those available, carrie, to your audience. So you don't have to worry about if you're like me, you're listening to your podcast as you're running or walking the dogs or cleaning the house or whatever it is, so don't worry about taking notes. I'm not going to read these prompts all the way through because they're long and it's a compound prompt. So you have your single prompt, which is where you ask for just one thing. As an example, I asked for a great margarita recipe. That's just a one prompt. He gives me the answer and that's great.

Sam Gamble:

For something like this, you're going to want to dive a little bit deeper, kind of lay the foundation work, if you will, to get the desired output that you really want. Anyway, don't worry about taking notes on this part. I will make this as a free resource for you guys, for Carrie's audience, and so you'll be able to get it right away. All right, so this company, as an example, they want to revamp their blog. So here's what I put into, claude. I'm just going to read it here, just so you can get. And this one I'm going to read, just so you can kind of get a feel for the specific words that I use and direction.

Sam Gamble:

So first of all you have to tell any bot you're talking to who they are, right, so you need to know. They need to know who they are and what it is you want them to do. And you have to be specific. You have to write to them as if they are, let's say, a seven-year-old child, because they don't know. They don't know anything that you want, so you have to tell them. You couldn't just tell a seven-year-old child to do a task without giving them specific instructions. So keep that in mind when you're communicating. So keep that in mind. It's conversational. You're talking as if you know type, as if you're actually talking to someone, and I actually, as I'm creating prompts, I say them out loud to see if they make sense and then be very, very specific. So if you can remember those two things, you can pretty much do anything you want with AI, especially with any of the Chachi, batiti, gemini or Claude. So here's what I wrote for this one.

Sam Gamble:

You are an expert copywriter, so I'm telling you who he is, who specializes in writing blogs that rank high in SEO and uses the keywords and key phrases that the ideal reader or buyer would use when searching for information. Companies hire you from all around the world to write blogs for them. They expect the blogs you write for them to bring in new readers, new customers and more unique visitors to their site. This company, actionsportopticscom, just hired you. They had a blog in the past but wasn't performing as they would like. That is why they have come to you.

Sam Gamble:

Go through the information on their website. From that information, please identify who the perfect buying audience is, include the demographics and psychographics and put it in a table format. So then he went ahead and put in all the demographics on one side, and demographics are more age, gender, their income, where they live, the occupation, education, marital status the very standard information that you want to know about someone. Psychographics goes deeper. They have an active lifestyle and they're passionate about outdoor sports and activities. They value high-quality, performance-oriented products. They're brand-conscious, they're loyal to reputable brands. They're environmentally conscious. They're tech-savvy, they're comfortable shopping online, which is important to know. If you don't have a brick-and-m and mortar actual shop and you have everything online, it's good to know that your target audience does buy online. So it goes a little bit deeper into than just the demographics.

Sam Gamble:

So now that we had that information, then I told him to say I always say great, I always say thank you. I'm always very polite. It must be the English in me, but I did ask chat GPT one time if I, if me, being polite to him makes him give me better output. And he said he's. He said it doesn't necessarily influence his output but it does make for a better interaction. He said there you go. So, anyways, I said great, thank you.

Sam Gamble:

Now please use this information to generate a thousand word article slash blog, because I didn't want to be impeded by a stained word. So that's why I put in articles and blog based on just what I learned even just yesterday. So write them in a way that they rank highly for SEO and searchability. Aso, which is the initials of their business. Aso is looking to gain a larger audience of buyers. Write them, meaning the blogs, write them in a style of the ASO brand and make the article super relatable to their perfect buying audience. And you'll see this too when companies or brands are starting to use AI. All of a sudden, all their messaging was one way they would speak with a certain tone. With all their messaging and all of a sudden zing it's totally different and it's because they've had AI write it for them. So what I just told it to write in that same style as all the other information that was on their site, and Claude's already gone through their whole site so he already knows what their tone is.

Sam Gamble:

And so, first, what he did is he wrote me out an art um, an, an outline for me to approve. So he wrote out an outline for the introduction um why, quality sports, key features, um, matching sunglasses to your particular sport, top brands for sunglasses, how to care for your sport sunglasses, and then the conclusion, which would include a CTA, a call to action, and what I'll do part of that downloadable, free resource, carry to your audience. I'll make everything that I'm going through here, including all the output in that document, so that you can actually see the actual full output, because I'm not reading absolutely everything. There was just too much and so. So then I said, and then he asked me now I'll start writing the article based on this outline, would you like me to proceed? And I just said, yes, please.

Sam Gamble:

So then he went ahead and wrote a thousand word, and you could change that, it could be anything, it could be 500, 2000, whatever, but I. So he wrote out this entire blog and what's great about it, as you'll see, is as an example and part of it, he went into lens technology and he did a list of three types of lens technology polarized, photochromatic, interchangeable. And then he did another list, and the reason why I say because lists are so great for blogs, because a lot of people will skim through, but as soon as they see a list, that's the part that they focus in on, and so this would get high, high, high readability. And so this is frames, frame materials and durability. And it has a list of three the different types of materials, fit and stability, three different ways that glasses can fit, matching sunglasses to your sport. Again, there's three lists of items. They're running running a trail, three things there. So he went through and he listed out three to four things on each different category here, but he did it in such a way that it's not just talking at somebody, it's very conversational. He did a.

Sam Gamble:

I have to say he did a great job with this article and then from there, what you can do is now, if, once you're satisfied with that blog or that article, you can then take that blog and say this is amazing, thank you so much. I'm going to post this blog on such and such a date, and when you're posting a blog, you want to encompass your social media posts and your email marketing. If you have a weekly newsletter, daily newsletter, what have you? You want to focus all of your content around your blog because that's your big piece of content. So let's say you do a weekly blog. So you say, okay, I'm going to post this on July 20th.

Sam Gamble:

Say, and you can say, I need all supporting materials, marketing materials, to support and promote this blog. I need, you know, seven days worth of social media posts for all platforms. You don't even have to list them out. He knows exactly what all the platforms are. And even if you're not on all the platforms, that's fine. I would just still say all platforms because when he comes back with the output, he'll list which post is for what. Oh, I'm sorry, I gave you a little thumbs up on that.

Carrie Saunders:

If you're watching the YouTube channel, you'll get to see some fun thumbs up.

Sam Gamble:

And Zoom. All the upgrades are so great, so it will specify okay, this one's for LinkedIn, this one's for Facebook. So he will do that, and that you can do in ChatGPT or Claude. And if you switch to ChatGPT, just copy and paste that blog, put it in ChatGPT and tell him to do that. So it doesn't matter which one you do it with and you can. Even what I just went through, you can go, you can do it with chat GPT, but I just think from my experience, the quality is a skosh better with Claude, with things like this. And so you can have him write all your social media posts, your emails, everything with the call to action and tying in with that blog. So now that entire week's worth of content is done for you in a matter of 10 minutes, and on top of it, you can even ask what images should I have to go with my blog, what images should I have to go with my social media posts or my emails? And then they'll give you a little description of, you know, say, someone skiing down the slopes, something like that.

Sam Gamble:

Well then, what you can do is because there's AI software out there for images, as we all know, and some of them are way better than others. Midjourney is great. Then there's one that I use all the time. It's called Poth P-H-O-T dot AI. And so what I do is I say great, those images all sound amazing. Since you're an expert, again, you always have to tell them who he is. Since you're such an expert with Thoughtai or Midjourney, whichever one you're using please create me the exact prompt that I need to input to Thoughtai or Midjourney, but to thoughtai image journey. What have you to create that exact image that you feel goes with this post, this blog? What have you? And he'll spit it out and then you just copy it and paste it Now.

Sam Gamble:

So ChatGPT is tied into Dolly, which is another illustrator. It's not my favorite. It's widely used because it's part of ChatTPT and it's also in Canva, but it's still artificial looking and it doesn't do great with realistic images. And there were some that Midjourney even, and Thoughtai, they used to not be able to get hands or feet or legs right. I mean you'd have like three legs and 10 fingers on a hand. But just lately, over the past maybe two, three weeks, that has seemed to be all cleared up. So again, things are moving so rapidly that it's fun. It's fun to kind of keep up with it.

Sam Gamble:

But, carrie, that's what I wanted to cover with your audience today, and I know that implementing this is going to save them so much time, so much headache of, oh my gosh, I have to write a blog this week. What am I going to write about? And then you have an idea like, oh my gosh, how do I start it, how do I start this blog? So now you don't have any of that, so I I'm so excited. I love hearing how much, how much time these little tips and tricks save people, because time is money and we don't get more time.

Carrie Saunders:

Yeah, and even like the other week, whenever you taught in that masterclass, I was in with you, I and I told you afterwards I, I wrote, recorded and edited at a podcast episode in 45 minutes, like I already had like a lot in my head as far as the subject matter went, and so I, I used your prompts that you gave us and, you know, created an avatar for my ideal listener and chat GPT spit out such a great outline that I could then just speak to the outline freely and not even have to come up with the outline, because I find for me, coming up with the outline sometimes is the hardest thing I can. I can have the idea, I can get the details, but it's what do I talk about? You know, as far as like an outline or overview goes, and it it saved me so much time, sam, the other day when I use it and I've been using it more and more lately to really cut my time down because all this stuff is there. It's just, especially as entrepreneurs and business owners, we are switching tasks so much and having to do so many things that if we can use something like an AI bot to really help us be our assistant to writing some of these things that are in our brains but we can't quite get them all out because we're so busy doing all the things. I mean this can be a really a good time saver and, as always, you know, and the bots always say, to make sure you fact check everything.

Carrie Saunders:

But many times when you're writing articles like this, like for action, sport, optics or something it's, it's going to be getting the facts right. And, as, as the owner you know I know he's going to be listening to this podcast episode I gave him a heads up um, as the owner, he'll be, you know, reviewing the output and he'll know pretty quickly which parts are correct, which parts aren't. Um, for example, the other day I wanted um I use chat GPpt with, with what I learned from you, sam to create me a seven day meal plan that's high protein and didn't have I can't eat, like it's about 10 different food items I cannot eat. My body just does not tolerate them. And what? I'm a soy? Well, chat gpt gave me edamame beans as a snack and I was like, um, edamame is actually soy, chat gpt, just so you know. Can you give me a different substitute?

Carrie Saunders:

So even I had to fact check it there, but so it's really great at giving you some really high quality information. Of course you always check it, but for making articles and blog posts in your own words, like you're describing using CloudBot to do, I mean, I didn't even realize that you could send it your website and information and I knew you could copy and paste stuff, but I didn't know it could go out and get the information. I mean, I know that CloudBot, you know, browses websites because we actually see that as hosting providers, but I didn't realize how much it could really take your voice and really use it without you giving it a whole lot of information directly in the system to give you some really good output.

Sam Gamble:

Yeah Well, and ChatGPT does the same thing and you can even tell it. You can even put in even a competitor's website and let's say, you know your competitor is, you know their sales are greater than yours. You could say what is it about their sales page that's working? What is it about their website that's working? Where can they improve? And so all of that information is great for you to know, because then you can say, okay, now take a look at mine and see where I can improve, see where I can make some changes.

Sam Gamble:

So I mean it just what it does. You can YouTube all this stuff, you can try to piece it all together yourself, but it's going to take you. Well, it's taking me two years to learn everything that I learn and I like. Obviously I'm still learning because it's constantly new things are always coming out, but it's um, it's just so much easier to go to one place, get all the information, and once you know how to use them, it becomes invaluable. At that point I mean could you hire someone to evaluate your site Absolutely? How much would that cost? You know, I mean chat to BT is 20 bucks a month and sometimes I feel really bad that I only pay him 20 bucks a month. I'm not going to lie.

Carrie Saunders:

Yeah, for sure.

Sam Gamble:

Sometimes I feel like he needs a raise, but yeah, okay, so go ahead.

Carrie Saunders:

No, I was going to say go ahead.

Sam Gamble:

No, I was going to say if you had any questions at all. If there's anything that you think your listeners would, like to know.

Carrie Saunders:

No, I think this was absolutely great. So when you're listening, note that you can go to our show notes either in your podcast app or if you're watching on the YouTube channel. We have a link to our website to the e-commerce made easy podcastcom, and we will be linking to the free resource that Sam has graciously given us. I can't wait to see it. I know I'm going to be like eyeballing it and giving it to my assistant, Alanis, who helps me with our content as well, and we're going to be having so much fun with this. I'm so excited to be able to one, write better articles that really speak to our audience better, to really help them better, and, two, save us some time so that we can be more effective in helping our clients in the long run, too. So if people want to learn more about how they can leverage AI and get in touch with you, what are some best ways to get in touch with you, Sam?

Sam Gamble:

Thank you. They can go to my site, wwwaimeetsmecom so it's aimeetsmecom. Or they can go ahead and email me at sam at a meets mecom, and they can always shoot me a DM on Facebook or Instagram and it's it's. You can get ahold of me. It's just my name's at Sam, at Samantha Gamble. Yeah, those are pretty much the best ways to get ahold of me, and if you go to wwwai meets mecom, there is a free resource that's up there now that goes through the.

Sam Gamble:

There's five rules when you're dealing with ChatGPT Gemini, and you want to follow those rules in order to get the best output, no matter what and I see a lot, I see a lot of people teaching AI and they always miss at least the first three out of these five, and it makes so much difference. It's night and day and it's what will set you apart. You want to have that competitive edge, especially in today's marketplace. It doesn't matter what you sell. It could be sports eyewear or it could be a diet shake, whatever it is but whatever field you're in there, someone is doing it, someone has done it and you're in competition with millions, and the social media space is so crowded it's a sea of beige.

Sam Gamble:

So you have to get that competitive edge, to be that flash of red to your audience that stops them from scrolling right by you. And if you do these steps, your content will be that pop of red for your audience. If someone's not looking for active eyewear they're not an active outdoorsy person well, they're going to scroll right by, which is great, because you don't want them anyway. They're not going to be your buyers. But if someone's an active hiker skier, they're going to whoa. That looks amazing and that's what you want. You want the people who are almost begging to buy your stuff and that's what you can get if you use AI correctly.

Carrie Saunders:

That's perfectly well said. I like that, sam. A lot of people don't realize they really need to like, really be very specific when they're marketing, because you want to attract the right people and detract the wrong people. It's a lot of people don't realize that, especially if they're new in business. So well, I appreciate having you on our podcast. It's so great to learn again from you. I just I love learning from you all the time and I know we'll be chatting more as we help each other out in our businesses, because I just I feel like we have good synergy as far as you know. You know the AI stuff, I know the tech stuff and we can help each other out. So it's good to have you on our podcast.

Sam Gamble:

Ying to my yang.

Carrie Saunders:

Thanks again, Sam.

Sam Gamble:

My pleasure. Thank you so much.

Carrie Saunders:

Thanks again, sam, my pleasure. Thank you so much. Thanks Bye, all right. Wasn't that such an amazing episode? I know I learned a ton from Sam. Sam gave us great tips on how to better utilize artificial intelligence to propel your business forward. So be sure to visit our show notes wherever you're listening, or you can go to our podcast website at ecommercemadeeasypodcastcom.

Carrie Saunders:

Forward slash 61 to see the show notes for this podcast episode, and you want to be sure to go over there to grab up her cheat sheet on how to utilize AI to help you write better blog posts. If you're watching us on the YouTube channel, make sure you hit that subscribe button, and if you're listening on the podcast, hit that follow button wherever you're listening. And if you're loving my e-commerce made easy podcast, I'd be thrilled if you could rate and review the show on Apple podcasts. Your ratings and reviews mean so much to me and they help more listeners get to listen to the episode and empower more people like you just thrive in the online business world. Thanks again for listening and we will see you next week.